Killingsworth House
This residence is the only Northern California home designed by the late Mid-Century modernist architect, Edward Killingsworth. The original, overgrown landscape had few outdoor living spaces. The redesign involved defining one distinct main entrance out of two twin doors located on two different levels, carving out an outdoor living and entertaining space next to the house, creating more inviting entry steps, and organizing the front hillside into a series of parallel terraces to create a more dynamic frontage. Two water features are located along key parts of the entry sequence, while a third focuses the outdoor living and entertaining space, adding interest and life to the landscape. Through reflection, movement and sound, they enhance the lively and frequent garden parties.
Ash White concrete and smooth masonry walls, combined with subtropical plantings of palms, succulents, clumping bamboo and perennials lend a “Palm Springs” charm. The emphasis on succulents and judicious use of synthetic lawn creates a luxuriant subtropical, yet drought-tolerant landscape.
2017 ASLA-NCC Merit Award